Field Guide
AboutThis section serves as an aide to be used when attempting to insert new or update existing data. SpeSQL will catch any violation of the rules outlined below, however it is important to familiarize yourself with the structure of the data as to best expedite future workflows.
NotesFields denoted with (*) are required and may not be left blank. Those not denoted with this may be assumed to allow empty values, disregarding the specified formatting for these cases where the data for the field is not present.
Fields that do not have any generalized, restricted formatting will have relaxed insertion requirements. You may see additional information about what the field is by referencing the Darwin Core guide.
Note: Some fields are automatically generated/determined, these fields should not be included in the CSV for batch insertions. An example is recordEnteredBy
, the credentials of the logged in user will be applied for this information.
To see available countries, please refer to the Countries section at the end of this file.
Available Specimen Fields#
catalogNumber *This is the LEP number. The general format is:
Passing ExamplesLEP12345
Failing ExamplesLEP1234
otherCatalogNumberThis is the MGCL number. The general format is:
Passing ExamplesMGCL_123456
Failing ExamplesMGCL_12345
recordNumberThis is a Collector's record number. There is no specified, mandatory formatting for this field.
Passing ExamplesLK45
otherIdentifierAny other identifiers assigned to this specimen.
projectNumberOther numbers/identifiers relating to a specific project that was assigned to this specimen. This may be one or more values and follows the standard, list format:
The list separator must be the pipe character '|'.
Additionally, it follows the following format:
Passing ExamplesAC-18-078
Failing ExamplesAC-18-078 | CLDZ:2262
AC-18-078 ; CLDZ:2262
AC-18-078, CLDZ:2262
order_Linnaean Order. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesOrder
Order Name
Failing Examplesorder
order name
superfamilyLinnaean Superfamily. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesSuperfamily
Super Family
Failing Examplessuperfamily
super family
familyLinnaean Family. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesFamily
Other Family
Failing Examplesfamily
other family
subfamilyLinnaean Subfamily. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesSubfamily
Sub Family
Failing Examplessubfamily
sub family
tribeLinnaean Tribe. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesTribe
Tribe Name
Failing Examplestribe
tribe name
genusLinnaean Genus. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesGenus
Genus Name
Failing Examplesgenus
genus name
subgenusLinnaean Subgenus. The formatting is:
Passing ExamplesSubgenus
Subgenus Name
Failing Examplessubgenus
subgenus name
specificEpithetLinnaean Species. The formatting is:
Passing Examplesspecies
species name
Failing ExamplesSpecies
Species Name
infraspecificEpithetLinnaean Subspecies. The formatting is:
Passing Examplessubspecies
subspecies name
Failing ExamplesSubspecies
Subspecies Name
identificationQualifierIdentification qualifier for the specimen. Case sensitive, and must match one (only one) of the control values exactly:
sensu stricto
sensu lato
New Genus
New Species
Darwin Core: A brief phrase or a standard term ("cf.", "aff.") to express the determiner's doubts about the Identification.
recordedByThe primary collector's name, should only be one name pair. The general format is:
Passing ExamplesAaron Leopold
Unknown Leopold
Failing ExamplesLeopold,aaron
aaron leopold
Unknown Unknown
otherCollectorsThe names of the collectors other than the primary collector, may be multiple names.
This follows the standard, name list format:
Please note: I am using numbers to indicate different names, however numbers are not allowed in this field. The list separator must be the pipe character '|'.
Passing ExamplesBrad Millen|Kristina Yamamoto|Janet Fang
Failing ExamplesMillen,Brad|Yamamoto,Kristina|Fang,Janet
Millen,Brad, Yamamoto,Kristina, Fang,Janet
identifiedByThe name(s) of who identified the specimen, may be multiple names.
Darwin Core: A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups, or organizations who assigned the Taxon to the subject.
This follows the standard, name list format:
Please note: I am using numbers to indicate different names, however numbers are not allowed in this field. The list separator must be the pipe character '|'.
Passing ExamplesBrad Millen|Kristina Yamamoto|Janet Fang
Failing ExamplesMillen,Brad | Yamamoto,Kristina | Fang,Janet
Millen,Brad, Yamamoto,Kristina, Fang,Janet
dateIdentifiedThe date in which the specimen was identified.
Darwin Core: The date on which the subject was determined as representing the Taxon.
This follows the general date format:
May not be future dates, or dates that preceed reasonable floor thresholds (e.g. less than 999)
verbatimDateThe verbatim date as it is written on the label (if present). This has no structured format as it is a record of whatever is hand written
General ExampleJan-Jun 2019
collectedYearYear of collection. This follows the general date format, only concerning the year. I.e.: YYYY
May not be future dates, or dates that preceed reasonable floor thresholds (e.g. less than 999)
collectedMonthMonth (as a number, 1-12) of collection. This follows the general date format, only concerning the month. I.e.: MM
collectedDayDay (as a number, 1-31) of collection. This follows the general date format, only concerning the day. I.e.: DD
dateEnteredThe date in which the specimen was entered in the system. This follows the general date format:
If left empty, an automated time stamp will be assigned on the insert query.
May not be future dates, or dates that preceed reasonable floor thresholds (e.g. less than 999).
sexThe sex of the specimen. Must match the first letter of one of the control values:
Darwin Core: The sex of the biological individual(s) represented in the Occurrence.
Passing ExamplesM
Failing ExamplesMale
lifeStageThe life stage the specimen is in. Must match one (only one) of the control values exactly (case sensitive):
Darwin Core: The age class or life stage of the biological individual(s) at the time the Occurrence was recorded.
habitatDarwin Core: A category or description of the habitat in which the Event occurred.
There are no generalized formatting schemas for this field
General Examplesoak savanna
pre-cordilleran steppe
occurrenceRemarksRemarks from the collector. Not generalized formatting schemas for this field
Darwin Core: Comments or notes about the Occurrence.
molecularOccurrenceRemarksRemarks from the collector. Not generalized formatting schemas for this field
samplingProtocolThe protocol in which the specimen was sampled. May be a list, where each item matches a control value exactly (case sensitive):
The format of the list follows previous field formatting, in that it must be delimited using the pipe '|' character.
Darwin Core: The name of, reference to, or description of the method or protocol used during an Event.
Passing ExamplesNetAerial
Failing ExamplesUV Light
LightUV | LightLED
countryCountry of the collection. Must be in the list of accepted countries, matching exactly (case sensitive).
You may find the list here:
, or you may them at this end of this file. This list is a TypeScript array of Country objects, containing a name
and code
field like so:
Please ensure the value matches the name
field, not the code
stateProvinceThe State or Province of the collected specimen. Follows traditional proper noun formatting:
countyThe County of the collected specimen. Follows traditional proper noun formatting:
municipalityThe Municipality of the collected specimen. Follows traditional proper noun formatting:
Darwin Core: The full, unabbreviated name of the next smaller administrative region than county (city, municipality, etc.) in which the Location occurs. Do not use this term for a nearby named place that does not contain the actual location.
Darwin Core Recommendation: Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names.
General ExamplesHolzminden
localityThe Locality data of the collected specimen. No generalized formatting in place.
Darwin Core: The specific description of the place. Less specific geographic information can be provided in other geographic terms. This term may contain information modified from the original to correct perceived errors or standardize the description.
General ExampleBariloche, 25 km NNE via Ruta Nacional 40 (=Ruta 237)
elevationInMetersThe elevation at which the specimen was located. Measurements will be converted to meters, however please ensure the unit is either:
for meters, mi
for miles, ft
for feet
Passing Examples50m
Failing Examples50 meters
1 mile
1 foot
decimalLatitudeThe latitude the specimen was located at. The value may be a floating point number (decimal) between -90 and 90.
decimalLongitudeThe longitude the specimen was located at. The value may be a floating point number (decimal) between -180 and 180.
geodeticDatumThe coordinate system used. Must match one (only one) of the control values (case sensitive):
Campo Inchauspe
European 1950
Clarke 1866
Darwin Core: The ellipsoid, geodetic datum, or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude as based.
coordinateUncertaintyThe value indicating the uncertainty of the recorded coordinates at which the specimen was located. Measurements will be converted to meters, however please ensure the unit is either:
for meters, mi
for miles, ft
for feet
Darwin Core: The horizontal distance (in meters) from the given decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location. Leave the value empty if the uncertainty is unknown, cannot be estimated, or is not applicable (because there are no coordinates). Zero is not a valid value for this term.
Passing Examples50m
Failing Examples50 meters
1 mile
1 foot
verbatimLatitudeThe latitude as written on the label (if present). No generalized formatting, as this is just a record of what is hand written
verbatimLongitudeThe longitude as written on the label (if present). No generalized formatting, as this is just a record of what is hand written
georeferencedByDarwin Core: A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups, or organizations who determined the georeference (spatial representation) for the Location.
This follows the standard, name list format:
Passing ExamplesBrad Millen|Kristina Yamamoto|Janet Fang
Failing ExamplesMillen,Brad | Yamamoto,Kristina | Fang,Janet
Millen,Brad, Yamamoto,Kristina, Fang,Janet
dispositionThe disposition (current state) of the specimen as it is currently in the collection. May be a list, where each item matches a control value exactly (case sensitive):
Voucher Present
Molecular Present
Pinned Present
Larval Present
GRR Present
Voucher Missing
Molecular Missing
Pinned Missing
Larval Missing
GRR Missing
Voucher Used Up
Molecular Used Up
GRR Used Up
Voucher On Loan
Molecular On Loan
Pinned On Loan
Larval On Loan
GRR On Loan
Voucher Absent
MGCL Papered
The format of the list follows previous field formatting, in that it must be delimited using the pipe '|' character.
isLoanedIndication of if the specimen is on loan. Must be one of the two accepted values (case sensitive):
for yes, N
for no
loanInstitutionThe name of institution specimen is loaned to. There is no generalized formatting for this field.
If the isLoaned field is indicated as N
this field is required to be empty.
If the isLoaned field is indicated as Y
this field is required.
loaneeNameName of person responsible with specimen while loaned. This follows the general format:
If the isLoaned field is indicated as N
this field is required to be empty.
loanDateDate specimen went on loan
If the isLoaned field is indicated as N
this field is required to be empty.
If the isLoaned field is indicated as Y
this field is required.
loanReturnDateExpected return date for specimen, update to actual when returned.
This follows the general date format:
May not preceed reasonable floor thresholds (e.g. less than 1990)
preparationsThe preparations of the specimen. May be a list, where each item matches a control value exactly (case sensitive):
Wing Voucher
Molecular Collection
Pinned Collection
Larval Collection
Genetic Collection
The format of the list follows previous field formatting, in that it must be delimited using the pipe '|' character.
Darwin Core: A preparation or preservation method for a specimen.
Passing ExamplesWing Voucher
Wing Voucher|Molecular Collection
Wing Voucher|Molecular Collection
Failing Exampleswing voucher
Wing Voucher|
Wing Voucher, Molecular Collection
Wing Voucher,Molecular Collection
freezerThe freezer the specimen is stored in (if applicable). The general format is as follows:
Passing ExamplesKawahara05
Failing Exampleskawahara 5
rackThe rack on/in which the specimen is stored. The general format is:
Numbers in a rack field indicate a box value, and should be parsed into the appropriate field (box)
Passing ExamplesB
Failing ExamplesB32
boxBox number of specimen. The general format is:
tubeSizeThe size of the tube/container/other used. It must match one (only one) of the control values:
associatedSequencesA list of identifiers (publication, bibliographic reference, global unique identifier, URI) of literature associated with the Occurrence.
Note: This field is too complex to validate programmatically, so please refer to the example below to see the manner in which you should structure the list.
General Example, Christopher J. Conroy, Jennifer L. Neuwald. 2008. Phylogeographic study of the California vole, Microtus californicus Journal of Mammalogy, 89(3):755-767., Steven R. Hoofer and Ronald A. Van Den Bussche. 2001. Phylogenetic Relationships of Plecotine Bats and Allies Based on Mitochondrial Ribosomal Sequences. Journal of Mammalogy 82(1):131-137.|Walker, Faith M., Jeffrey T. Foster, Kevin P. Drees, Carol L. Chambers. 2014. Spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) microsatellite discovery using illumina sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources.
associatedReferencesA list of identifiers (publication, global unique identifier, URI) of genetic sequence information associated with the Occurrence.
The general format follows the standard list format, and is as follows:
Passing Examples||
Failing Examples | |,,
withholdDataIndication of if there was data withheld. Must be one of the two accepted values (case sensitive):
for yes, N
for no
Note: please refer to informationWithheld in Darwin Core to view more about what this field is
rearedIndication of if the specimen has been reared. Must be one of the two accepted values (case sensitive):
for yes, N
for no
recordEnteredByThe (spesql) credentials of the individual inserting this into the database. This is automatically determined, DO NOT manually attempt to insert this field. The insertion will fail.
This field is available for logging and querying.
modifiedInfoThe edit history of this entry in the database. This is automatically determined and updated as changes to the entry are made, DO NOT manually attempt to insert this field. The insertion will fail.
This field is available for logging and querying.
fieldNotesNotes from field, other notes about specimen. There is no specified formatting to follow
CountriesCountry Name | Country Code |
Afghanistan | AF |
Åland Islands | AX |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
American Samoa | AS |
AndorrA | AD |
Angola | AO |
Anguilla | AI |
Antarctica | AQ |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Aruba | AW |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahamas | BS |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Barbados | BB |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Belize | BZ |
Benin | BJ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bhutan | BT |
Bolivia | BO |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA |
Botswana | BW |
Bouvet Island | BV |
Brazil | BR |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO |
Brunei Darussalam | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
Burkina Faso | BF |
Burundi | BI |
Cambodia | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Canada | CA |
Cape Verde | CV |
Cayman Islands | KY |
Central African Republic | CF |
Chad | TD |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
Christmas Island | CX |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC |
Colombia | CO |
Comoros | KM |
Congo | CG |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | CD |
Cook Islands | CK |
Costa Rica | CR |
Cote D'Ivoire | CI |
Croatia | HR |
Cuba | CU |
Cyprus | CY |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Djibouti | DJ |
Dominica | DM |
Dominican Republic | DO |
Ecuador | EC |
Egypt | EG |
El Salvador | SV |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ |
Eritrea | ER |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK |
Faroe Islands | FO |
Fiji | FJ |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
French Guiana | GF |
French Polynesia | PF |
French Southern Territories | TF |
Gabon | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GD |
Guadeloupe | GP |
Guam | GU |
Guatemala | GT |
Guernsey | GG |
Guinea | GN |
Guinea-Bissau | GW |
Guyana | GY |
Haiti | HT |
Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands | HM |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | VA |
Honduras | HN |
Hong Kong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran, Islamic Republic Of | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Ireland | IE |
Isle of Man | IM |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Jersey | JE |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kiribati | KI |
Korea, Democratic People'S Republic of | KP |
Korea, Republic of | KR |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lebanon | LB |
Lesotho | LS |
Liberia | LR |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | LY |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macao | MO |
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of | MK |
Madagascar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Maldives | MV |
Mali | ML |
Malta | MT |
Marshall Islands | MH |
Martinique | MQ |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Mayotte | YT |
Mexico | MX |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM |
Moldova, Republic of | MD |
Monaco | MC |
Mongolia | MN |
Montserrat | MS |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Myanmar | MM |
Namibia | NA |
Nauru | NR |
Nepal | NP |
Netherlands | NL |
Netherlands Antilles | AN |
New Caledonia | NC |
New Zealand | NZ |
Nicaragua | NI |
Niger | NE |
Nigeria | NG |
Niue | NU |
Norfolk Island | NF |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP |
Norway | NO |
Oman | OM |
Pakistan | PK |
Palau | PW |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | PS |
Panama | PA |
Papua New Guinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Pitcairn | PN |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Reunion | RE |
Romania | RO |
Russian Federation | RU |
Saint Helena | SH |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN |
Saint Lucia | LC |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC |
Samoa | WS |
San Marino | SM |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Serbia and Montenegro | CS |
Seychelles | SC |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
Solomon Islands | SB |
Somalia | SO |
South Africa | ZA |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS |
Spain | ES |
Sri Lanka | LK |
Sudan | SD |
Suriname | SR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ |
Swaziland | SZ |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Syrian Arab Republic | SY |
Taiwan, Province of China | TW |
Tajikistan | TJ |
Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ |
Thailand | TH |
Timor-Leste | TL |
Togo | TG |
Tokelau | TK |
Tonga | TO |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Tunisia | TN |
Turkey | TR |
Turkmenistan | TM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC |
Tuvalu | TV |
Uganda | UG |
Ukraine | UA |
United Arab Emirates | AE |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM |
Uruguay | UY |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vanuatu | VU |
Venezuela | VE |
Vietnam | VN |
Virgin Islands, British | VG |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | VI |
Wallis and Futuna | WF |
Western Sahara | EH |
Yemen | YE |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZW |